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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Days 7-10 - Abbotsford, BC at Oma's House

Ms. Perrin:  "We had such a great time visiting with my Oma (Kelsey's Great Oma :).  We played games together and walked together.  It was so nice to see her again.  We went through lots of old photos too."

"I also got to spend time with my Aunt Heidi and Uncle Henry and my cousins too.  I often wish that my family lived much closer but I am very thankful that we're a close family even though we don't live close to each other."

"On one sunny day we went to White Rock, BC.  It was beautiful.  It's a little beach town on the coast with lots of little shops and restaurants and AWESOME gelato!  There were kids trying to catch crabs from the pier and Kelsey had great fun checking out the tidal pools."

Kelsey:  "Yea, today was fun!!! i had lots of fun watchign tiny crabs in the tidal pools and collecting shells and rocks for my brothers! Although we didnt see any starfish, we saw just about everything else you can find in a tidal pool...

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